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Featured on Ted Forbes Photo Assignment

Featured on Ted Forbes Photo Assignment

Every month or so, Ted Forbes will introduce a new assignment on his YouTube channel, challenging photographers of all skill levels to flex their creative muscle in ways they might not have thought of before. By doing so, he hopes to not only unlock some latent creativity in all of us, but to build a community of photographers who are sharing work and learning from each other. 

I recently participated in one of Ted Forbes's assignments "High Angle Photography", and I was luckily enough to have two of my photos chosen by Ted and featured in the Youtube video.  

Check out the video below of the "High Angle Photography" assignment and see if you can spot my two photos!



Tottenham v Millwall: Tense scenes outside the stadium as fans fight before the match

Tottenham v Millwall: Tense scenes outside the stadium as fans fight before the match

Street Sans Frontières Exhibition

Street Sans Frontières Exhibition